Thoughts on New Years resolutions.

So I thought considering it is coming up to the New Year, I may as well make a blog post about the whole concept of resolutions and all that. It's that time of year where the majority of the population begin to make the same old resolutions like eat well, spend less etc. But then in a months time these resolutions will drop and turn into January's resolutions. Yes we've all experienced that downfall now haven't we! The whole concept of the new and fresh start always sounds appealing. The parties especially! I see New Years as a way to reflect and appreciate making it through yet another year, through good times and the bad. In hope for many good moments to be remembered for next year and to hope bad times will minimum. One of my favourite things about the New Year is also to get a new calendar! Brand new and fresh all ready to be wrote in. Here is my beauty (yes I am a massive fan of Doctor Who so this was perfect). ...