Mountain Madness Pt Two

So, recently, we decided to go to the Glyderau range yet again. This time, however, we attempted Y Garn. This involved going up Devil's Kitchen and instead of turning left to Glyder Fawr and Glyder Fach we turned right past the lake. This trip was interesting. We knew what to expect after the last time, however, we didn't expect to be walking through clouds. I say interesting, but it was most certainly quite an experience to have been through, one I am very glad to have been through. Just at the beginning View from Devil's Kitchen So after the initial struggle up through Devil's Kitchen, we noticed we couldn't quite see the peak where we were headed to. Not because it was so far away, but because it was covered in clouds. Not entirely sure why this came as such a surprise due to our view at the beginning being just clouds with some land trying to break through. Walking up Y Garn entailed two footpaths, one which was in the middle of the incline and the ...