
Showing posts from February, 2018

17 things 2017 taught me

We are now in the second month of the New Year and I realised I hadn't done a post on anything to do with New Years. Instead of goals etc, I thought I would start this year with what I have learnt from 2017. As they say, better late than never! 1) Cats are the best - For those of you who follow my Instagram and Twitter you may know I have two little fluff balls ( Oryx and Nala ) that are a pain sometimes but I love them to pieces. I have always wanted cats and when my husband suggested we got our little Oryx it meant the world to me. So towards the end of the year we couldn't resist getting another little fluff ball, who is now our little Nala. They both can be annoying little sods from time to time, especially at 3AM. In December we looked after Lola, my husbands' families jug (Jack Russell/ Pug), which really made me realise that in our current situation I definitely prefer cats! 2) Festivals are awesome - For Christmas 2016 my husband surprised ...

Download Festival: Survival Guide

Hey guys, How y'all doing today? We are nearly out of winter and ready for the nicer and hopefully warmer months to come. It is a bit of a dull time of year, where for most of us there is not really much to look forward to for a while. However, you may have some memories from last summer to keep you going or plans for this summer that are getting closer by the day! One of the things that I am looking forward to this year is going to Download festival for the second time. See, last year was my first time at any festival and it was amazing, so this year should be even better! I discovered many things whilst being at this Festival, including what I would need to survive the 5 nights and 6 days there. So I thought I would share some tips on what you would need to get you through a festival! 1) Water - this is the MOST important thing you must have while you are there. Especially if it is sunny and you are consuming alcohol. Make sure you take a bottle for travel...