Old English Company: World Stationery Day Competition.

Whenever I walk into a shop to browse I always find myself gazing into the wonderful collection of stationery available. I just can't help myself having a look and I think wow there are some great pieces in here. I mean stationery is just one of those things that some people can't resist. Who loves stationery? Wave your notebooks in the air (I'm kidding, they're far too precious for that). So I recently came across a website called The Old English company who have so many awesome collections, stationery in particular. The stationery on their website includes notebooks, notepads, calendars, gift wrap, tape, planners and more. Photo Source: https://oldenglishprints.com/products/buy-me-pizza-a5-notebook?variant=24917008585 The company don't only sell stationery however, they have a vast collection of many other things including home-ware, prints, cards and accessories which I think are pretty cool. The thing that I love the most about these products is ...