
Showing posts from September, 2014

Uni time!

Well it's safe to say last week was fun and eventful and very much involving a helluva lot of alcohol. Now after slowly recovering from some sort of illness passed around that week it's safe to say I will be dramatically reducing my alcohol consumption. I've gotten back on track with watching what I eat, and also starting to get more exercise into my days. However, the amount of alcohol and all those glitter bombs were definitely worth it! Such a fun week meeting so many different and new people (even though I'm a second year it was still pretty awesome). I just wanted to say to all of you who are doing well in whatever you're doing and keeping on track at being the best you can be, it is allowed to let loose once in a while and enjoy your life! Remember how short everyday is and those days cannot be spent doing the same thing over and over without enjoying yourself. I learnt this quite recently due to restricting myself a lot for dieting and exercising, but when I...

PicStick Personalised Fridge Magnets

Hey guys, it's been quite a while since my last blog post, mainly because I have spent the past week drinking to my hearts content many evenings and recovering throughout the daytime for my Universities freshers week! Anyway, the other day I had an e-mail offering to write a review on personalised fridge magnets, and looking at how bare my fridge was I jumped to the offer! I don't think I'd been ever so excited to write a review before and this is my first review on a product so be kind guys and girls! PicStick is a personalised photo magnet creating website where you can upload your favourite photos and turn them into magnets to stick wherever they'll go. The website  is extremely easy to navigate around and has plenty of information on how to begin and how they create the magnets. When I went to chose my grid of 9 photos I was convinced that it would be one of them magnets covered in plastic that are chunky on the fridge. However, whe...

Busfest 2014

 So last Sunday I went to the Busfest in Malvern. This is the worlds largest Volkswagen festival and this is one of the most recent years where it has become internationally popular. If anyone doesn't already know, I'm VW campervan obsessed. For as long as I can remember I have loved these slow goers. Malvern isn't too far from where I live so it wasn't too much of a detour for my dad and not to mention very little time for travel sickness, yay ( I'm weak when it comes to travelling)!  Not only where there so many amazingly decorated vans, but they also had a pets corner which my dad then decided to hold a tarantula. Would've loved to have stayed for the weekend at this show because there was  so  much going on and I loved every moment of it. Peace out!  Favourite van I saw Loving the doors, if they had less DC! More Marvel please! Tarantula 

The 5:2 diet review

During the summer holidays I decided I wanted to loose some weight because many of my clothes didn't fit me any more. Obviously I had absolutely no idea where to begin until my friend told me about the 5:2 diet. This is where for 5 days you eat around 1500 calories worth of food and the other 2 days you would only be able to eat 500. Putting it straight out there I do not recommend using this diet to loose weight if you lack will power! I only managed it for 1 or 2 weeks and by then I'd realised there was more than likely a better way. Also on the days where I could only eat 500 calories I struggled to do anything because I did not have a sufficient amount of energy. Using the 5:2 diet stopped me from being able to eat vegetables and fruit on the days of 500 calories because some of them provided over half the calorie intake. Then of course I was open to 'the light', I began looking around seeing what I was eating that was bad and pushing it to one side. See with the 5:...

Facing Freshers

Yes that's right guys & gals, it's that time of year again! The start of a new educational year and many of you will be on the way to a new adventure starting university! Here are a few tips to help you through your freshers week, ready? Lets get started! 1. Have a look to see if your University offers wristbands for free entry to the club each night. If they do, get it! Trust me you will save a helluva lot of money. 2. Savers, B&M or Home Bargains nearby you, go there and get the cheap alcohol because it works and you get more money saved in your wallet. 3. Go to all the events, and talk to as many people as possible. Of course you will never see half the people you see during freshers week after that but it's always worth talking to them for potential friendship/acquaintanceship. 4. This week is bound to be full of headaches and the possibility of 'freshers flu', but don't worry, you can fight through this just get some food down you and the next pint ...

Encouragement and success

It's another beginning. Whether that is the beginning of something new or the beginning of a new year leading to our goals. Educationally speaking this is the time for a new year and/or the start of something amazing. It only feels like yesterday since I begun my first year at University and what an adventure that was. I remember travelling down on moving day feeling so scared, nervous but also extremely excited. Being such a shy, socially awkward person with a high lack of confidence, this was most certainly a massive step. Not to mention one that was worthwhile. I met some of the most amazing people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Whilst also fearing that I would be at some distance with my friends back home, I still managed to stay in contact and meet up with them on several occasions. I found the first year of University definitely helped to develop me to who I am today and even though I may not seem all that confident and intelligent, I most certainly feel like a st...