Facing Freshers

Yes that's right guys & gals, it's that time of year again! The start of a new educational year and many of you will be on the way to a new adventure starting university! Here are a few tips to help you through your freshers week, ready? Lets get started!

1. Have a look to see if your University offers wristbands for free entry to the club each night. If they do, get it! Trust me you will save a helluva lot of money.

2. Savers, B&M or Home Bargains nearby you, go there and get the cheap alcohol because it works and you get more money saved in your wallet.

3. Go to all the events, and talk to as many people as possible. Of course you will never see half the people you see during freshers week after that but it's always worth talking to them for potential friendship/acquaintanceship.

4. This week is bound to be full of headaches and the possibility of 'freshers flu', but don't worry, you can fight through this just get some food down you and the next pint or white wine spritzer.

5. Take this week as an opportunity to explore the University and find out where all your lecture rooms are and explore the town/city you're in and take in all the new places and faces.

6. ENJOY. You're going to be homesick at some point, especially considering this is a new environment and new faces, but don't let that stop you enjoying yourself. Get boozing and go have a great week!!!!

Peace out!


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