Ales in Dorset

As previously mentioned I went on holiday to Weymouth not too long ago. Whilst in Weymouth we visited the various supermarkets and purchased quite a few different ales. I never usually drink ale, more of a lager person and ales are something that as a family we indulge in. Who doesn't love a good beer or four on holiday?! (we're not alcoholics I swear). So I thought I'd share a few of the several we came across, I know these aren't Dorset specific as I have seen a few in supermarkets near me. But enjoy!

Ale #1: 'Juarassic' - I've mentioned before I'm quite obsessed with this era so of course as soon as this was spotted we had to get it. It was lovely nonetheless.

Ale #2: 'Exmoor Beast' - This one was quite a strong ale in both flavour and percentage. It had quite a kick to it which definitely lives up to it's name!

Ale #3: 'Fursty Ferret' - I love the name this has and no the ale is not made from ferrets...

These next two (and another I do not have a photo of) were drank in our destination after Dorset. 

Ale #4: 'Barn Owl' - I absolutely love owls, I have always loved them from a young age where I would confuse the names up and somehow still manage to. This ale was very nice to drink anyhow, no nasty business here. 

Ale #5: 'Forty Niner' - This one did no hold as much quality as the others. However, saying that, this is the one that I have seen around in other supermarkets out of Dorset. 

Ale #6: 'The mystery ale' (that no camera could capture) - this ale was absolutely disgusting, it had the worst taste and an even worse after taste which we all agreed on. This ale was not particularly kind to my father who had an unpleasant experience in his head whilst drinking where he thought the floor was falling. In hindsight it was extremely amusing, however. Unfortunately, due to the lack of images and memory of the name, I am unable to warn you away from this drink. I am unable to give any advice to stay away from the evil looking ones because they're probably the nicest. But do take caution if you are choosing ones to drink and all the best of luck!

Peace out!


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