Gretna Green: The village of runaway lovers.

What originally planned to be a mid October holiday turned into a very successful wedding.When I first found out my mum was getting married I was quite shocked, but happy for her. After going through my parents being divorced I never really thought that either one would be married again. However, this appears to be what makes my mum happy so I am happy for that. Then it also dawned on me I would have a step father, never did I think that was going to happen but it has and does not really feel much different to be honest. Anyway, to the wedding. A mildly spontaneous idea planned two months in advance in a place 176 miles away from my home town, with several diversions on the way. Gretna Green is just on the borders of the South end of Scotland and not too far away from Cumbria (which is where some of my mum's family live). I thank fully travelled back to my home town the day before which cut out some 70 odd extra miles. 6 A.M start up to Cumbria to visit relatives throughout the whole day until we finally arrived at Gretna Green. We were staying in the Greens at Gretna hotel which is owned by the same company as that of the Black Smith's where the weddings commence. The hotel itself was absolutely amazing, so fancy but not the sort of extremely uncomfortable fancy. The view from my mums room was amazing you could see out to the estuary and the room was unnecessarily massive. The reception/ lobby was well decorated and had rather cosy sofas. Anyway, after unpacking and having a nosey we went to find the registry office and to view the blacksmiths where the wedding was held. The place was lovely, however, full of tourists so quite busy! The evening was then spent finding somewhere to eat followed by a few drinks at the hotel with the family and friends.

First night at the hotel

Mums drink compared to mine

The wedding day! An early start to attempt to get ready and help the bride (my mum). I have never seen anyone so stressed out before, but eventually we managed to help her be ready in time 5 minutes to spare! I'm usually one to cry at sentimental events or when others cry so I was quite worried that I'd loose my cool during the ceremony after seeing my mum tear up the day before. We arrived at the black smiths and began the ceremony. This was a little different to other weddings both because of time slots and because of the tradition that is performed at Gretna. The story goes that young lovers would elope to Gretna to the blacksmiths who would marry the couple. They would need to have the ceremony completed quick because of the parents chasing after ten trying to stop the marriage. The blacksmith would create the rings there and then with the couple so during this ceremony the priest banged down the hammer onto the anvil. 

The married couple at the Anvil 

The ceremony shortly ended (I managed to hold in the tears) and we were given access to the rest of the blacksmiths workshop and to take photos around the area. 

Married couple and bridesmaids 

Bride and bridesmaids 

Bride and daughters


The wedding was then followed by a lovely meal held at the hotel. Then a rest for those in need where later reunited in the reception for more drinks/ a watch of the rugby and then later on more food. 


Post wedding selfie 

All in all it was a wonderful weekend spent with the family on the border of Scotland. My mum seemed to enjoy it and so did everyone else.

Peace out!


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