Two months and two days....

It's getting so close to the end of my final year of University, just over two months until my final deadline! Stress, stress and more stress. I'm in the process of writing two essays, a reflective piece, a video and my dissertation! Not to mention they're all due in the same week! Currently embarking on finding people to do my survey for my dissertation as time is narrowing down, I need to start analysing my data but still need at least 40 more people to participate. I'm not trying to complain about University or anything, I'm just hoping this post gets some attention and more so more interaction. It would mean so much to me if any students who are reading this could fill out my survey! Those of you who are not in final year have the difficulty of the data collection to look forward to!

Anyway, please help me in filling out my survey and thank you so much in advance.

Thanks from Milo & myself!

Peace out!


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