
Just under a year ago I was brought into the world of gaming and shown the light of playing Xbox One games. My fiance allowed me to see the light and enjoyment of playing games, well I say introduced me, but it was more so forced me to buy an Xbox one controller so we could play a game together. A couple of months later Kee has managed to get me quite into playing games and learning all the skills and tricks of certain games. It then went from playing on Kee's Xbox down to persuasion of purchasing my own console. (Bearing in mind I haven't spent more than £100 on myself before this moment - so quite a shock with the price!). However, I can't complain because it was the best purchase I had made. So today, I would like to talk about the reason why I bought an Xbox - as you might have guessed from the title - Destiny. Yes, that is right, the reason I bought a whole console was to play one game and that game being Destiny. As this is the first proper game I got into pl...