
Hey guys, 

Today I would like to reflect on little something I have done over the past 3 years, that is right - University! Uni was some of the best and the worst times of my life i'll admit. Obviously moving away and meeting new people, learning new things and seeing so much more in life has it's ups and downs. I have met some people from uni who will stick in my life for a good while. I have had stressful memories that will also leave a foot print in my memory. So a couple of months ago in November (you may be aware if you follow my Instagram) I went to my uni town in Worcester and graduated! *queue big wave of arms*. 

Anyway, so it hit me that I graduated and that three years of my life had just been summed up onto one piece of paper. Yes, it felt a bit pointless. However, I still made it throughout the whole three years (with a lot of help from my friends, family and of course the liquid courage). 

It was at this moment in time where I realised this is it. After what felt like a lifetime I had managed to complete my degree. Something that I had spent so many days, so many hours working towards and it has finally come to an end. 

Of course, at this moment in time it was quite scary, where do you go from here? A load of 'what ifs' come to question the mind and questions of what is going to happen with life. Trust me, I thought about this way too much. 

At the same time of questioning what happens next there was an overwhelming sense of pride. I have done this, I have managed to get through the past three years with all the stress and tears and come out with a degree. This is something I think back to when I feel like I haven't accomplished much, and when I look back and realise what I have done I am happy what I have achieved. 

Even though it feels like the end of something great, just remember it's one step towards a new beginning. I will remind myself of this everyday and work towards accomplishing that next step. 

What great things have you achieved for yourself recently? Feel free to share in the comments below!

Peace out!


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