Nerd Central

Hey guys, 

I thought today I would share with you all a little something about myself and perhaps even more so, my partner. We are next level geeks. You may have seen my recent post about Destiny the game, so I thought this might be a nice addition just to add and so you guys can get to know me a little bit more. Yeah that's right, if you hadn't guessed it already, I am about to show you our lovely little collection. Enjoy!

OK, so it started off with buying the odd sods here and there that looked pretty awesome. Then I think we discovered geek box which had an offer on at the time so we just couldn't resist and ended up with tee shirts and a Deadpool plush toy. Not to mention gifts we have received for Christmas and birthdays etc. Thanks to my lovely friend, Khan, from University I received some Lord of The Rings Shot glasses which have made a lovely addition to our collection! 

So on top of all this, Kee went away to Florida last year and did not come back empty handed. This was great when we had absolutely nowhere to put anything *sighs* (thankfully we have got this wonderful giant display cabinet to put everything out - thanks to Kee's family). 

Anyway, while he was away he purchased quite a lot of awesome nerdy things, including several Destiny figures, sparrow and ships - we attempted to build the ship when he came back but unfortunately we both lack patience and it took an hour to put four pieces together! On the plus side he came back with a Warlock figure *woop woop* I absolutely adored this because at the time Warlocks were my one true love to play as - now I've switched to a Titan which is super fun playing because you can smash all the enemies up with just one move with the Arc ult (if they're close enough).

On top of the purchases from Florida, he also entered a competition to win merchandise for League of Legends and guess what? He won. I used to absolutely despise that game so when I found out he was coming back with a ton of LOL merch I didn't know whether I could look him in the eyes again (it wasn't that bad just in case you're worried I would hate him for liking something....). Things have changed a bit since then, I've been forced (willingly) to start playing and I quite like the game. It has it's ups and downs but it's mostly great to play. When I first started playing LOL I chose Jinx to play as and I absolutely love her style and character. Which leads me to the other day - Kee got me a Jinx Pop Vinyl - hell yeah *cheers* - thanks for that one Kee, it is a great addition to our collection!

So there you have it, a little bit more about me and our extremely nerdy habits. I dare say we have more than this in other rooms, but maybe these can be shown another day (one cabinet full is just enough for one day wouldn't you say). Here are some close ups of some of the things we have in our collection in the cabinet, enjoy.  



That is it from the cabinet I'm afraid. I hope you enjoyed today's post! Do you have a collection of your own? Feel free to comment below with your opinions and whether or not you have some extreme collection, I'd love to see some! 

One last look

Peace out!  


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