Winter is here, now to get through it.

It is that time of year where summer has long passed in the U.K and we are edging closer towards the end of Autumn and the start of Winter. Some of us out there welcome Winter with open arms, whereas the rest of us cross our arms to form a barrier and end up in denial that Winter exists.I am guilty of being in the group for the latter part. In my option, Winter sucks. I don't understand those who love the early darkness in the nights and enjoy freezing everywhere if you aren't layered up with 10 different types of clothes. I am one of those people who long for warmth, long bright days and shot nights. Of course that cannot happen in this country and sadly we can't always receive what we desire. 

Unfortunately, this time of year can be the worst time for many individual's mental health. After-all, this time of year is when SAD (seasonal affective disorder) likes to kick in for many individuals. SAD is a disorder that negatively affects individuals mental health at certain times of the year, in particular, Winter. It does get extremely hard for some individual's around this time of year, which is why it is important to take the time to take care of yourself. I thought I would share some things I do/ need to do when I don't feel quite right during this time of year.

Run a bubble bath ~ nothing is more relaxing that being in the warmth with the smell of the bubble bath/ bath bombs. To add that extra something to make it complete just add that candle that you love the smell of. Or be brave and start a fresh new candle that you've been wanting to use for ages, adding extra light to your room for some ambiance. So to quote Dumbledore: Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light'. Or in this case, light a candle. 

Cosy up ~ bring out everything fluffy you own; PJ's, sleeping socks, slippers, dressing gowns. Everything soft that you can wear to keep you warm and cosy.

Grab your coat love ~ put on your coat, gloves, hat, scarf and get outside. Make sure you do this during the day so you can experience some daylight (while it is still out). Now take a walk, don;t think about where, just go anywhere. You never know what you will find. 

Loose yourself ~ grab a blanket, make sure it is fluffy, or even a duvet and get on your sofa. Grab out a DVD or go on Netflix and relax in front of a film. I have been wanting to watch the Harry Potter films for ages (in case you couldn't tell) so I will need to watch these when I find the DVD's (they aren't on Netflix -.-). 

Get chatting ~ talk to someone who makes you feel happy. One of the worst things about SAD is that it can make you feel super lonely. So give that friend/ family member a phone call or text or even see if they are free to meet up with them. 

Do you take sugar with that? ~ grab a warm drink, whether that is a tea, coffee or hot chocolate, go get it. Either make it yourself at home or go and treat yourself to a drink you would usually try. Maybe even go for the new Costa or Starbucks Christmas menu's to get in that Winter spirit (I've heard it is supposed to be really good) ~ go give it a try.

I hope this has helped several of you with some ideas on different ways on how to help get through this time of year. Obviously this is a limited list as there are so many other things you can do, after-all it is down to personal preference and what works best for each individual. 

What sort of things do you do to help get through these times? If there is something you get up to that really helps then please let me know! I am open to more suggestions. 

Stay cosy, stay safe and keep up with taking care of yourself.

Peace out!


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