Gift ideas

Christmas is getting closer and if you're anything like me you may be stressing about what to get for your friends or family. There's just over 2 weeks left to go it is absolute mayhem. So I was hoping I could give you a few ideas of things you could get for certain individuals, because sometimes the hardest part is finding out what is out there to get! 

For the Harry Potter lover who loves their onesies 

I came across this onesie in Primark the other day and I couldn't resist getting it. It had a really soft inside and it was only £10! It is perfect to lounge about in and it has pockets! This would be a perfect gift for those we know who are obsessed with Harry Potter (people like my sister who watch the films all together at least four times a month!).

For the Destiny lover

Do you know anyone who loves their Destiny game or even Destiny 2 that is now out? This gift is perfect for those who both love the game and love candles! The best part about this is that the candles actually smell really good, not like some cheap candles that have barely any smell. With this set you can get scented candles from Mars, Dreadnaught, Earth, Venus and the Moon on Destiny the game. We managed to pick this up at a Game store for a reduced price. You can either look out for this in your local Game store or buy online here

For the crazy cat lover who enjoys a little treat

If any of you follow my Instagram you will know that I bought these for the pure reason they are cat related. I found them in Asda whist shopping with my sister and I couldn't help but be intrigued by what on earth they were. Can you blame me though after seeing the title Monty Bojangles? Turns out they are a range of truffles, which are really quite nice! They were only £2 in Asda as well so these would be perfect for a stocking filler. You can check out more flavours Monty Bojangles have to offer on their website here.

For the gamer 

So we all remember the mayhem when the Nintendo Switch was released earlier this year, right? Well now there many more games you can get to play on the switch. One classic and all time family favourite, Mario Kart! If you know someone who already has this console then a perfect gift would be this game. It is so fun to play with so many new maps to race on as well as some old time favourites such as Rainbow Road (yes, that nightmare of a map has made a great return to the racing world). I got this one as an early Christmas present for Kee for £47.99 from Argos and this game is also available in many other stores like Amazon or Game.

I hope this has given you some ideas on what you could get for certain people, even if it isn't these exact gifts! Enjoy your Christmas shopping if you haven't already done so. For those of you who have already got it all out of the way, kudos to you!

What sort of gifts have you got for your loved ones? Feel free to leave comments below. 

Peace out. 


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