NETFLIX: Best shows on now.

New year, new Netflix. I know I haven't wrote in a while but I thought that sharing some of the shows I have been watching would be a good way to start. After all, that's what I spend some (most) of my free time doing.

Earlier on this year Netflix made a wonderful announcement and that was the list of what new shows are going to be added and when. If you're one of those people that have a serious binge watching addiction then you were probable ecstatic when this list came out.


I'll admit I haven't heard of/seen half of these programmes but there were a few I was particularly interested in, that being Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency and Friends.

I first saw the first season of Dirk Gently last year and it was enticing to say the least. So when I found out that the new season was going to be arriving on Netflix I did the obvious thing and re-watched the first season. The second season was not a disappointment and I tried to binge it the best I could around work and other activities (sleep). If you haven't seen this/ heard of the show then the basic concept is there are several people who can see beyond the physical world and believe that everything is connected. Dirk Gently uses these skills to solve cases and meets some uncanny individuals along the way. 100% recommend this show if you are into weird, crazy things.

The second one on that list, Friends, I have never really seen it before. I mean yeah I watched one or two episodes while I was younger, but not enough to know the full story. So when this was announced I thought this would be pretty cool to watch all the seasons.... and I love it, it's something fun to watch while getting ready for work/ winding down at the end of the day. With there being loads of episodes to watch it's so easy to get lost in the show, in a good way of course.

There was another one on this list that I didn't originally have the intention of watching. However, it came up as a suggestion on Netflix so I thought I would give it a go and that was The End of the F***ing World. I started watching this to begin with and to be completely honest I thought the first two episodes were absolute garbage. But I saw that some people on Twitter were going on about how good the show was so I have pursued watching this further. I'm currently on the 5th episode and it is getting somewhat addictive. So if you go to watch it just give it a few episodes and it'll be worth the wait. 

There are some other sows that I have been loving recently which did not make it to the new season list (even though they have had new seasons added recently). The first one I have been watching is Brooklyn 99 which is one of the best shows my fiance introduced me to and when they brought it to Netflix it was the best thing to happen. They have recently added season 4 which just gets better and better each episode. The downside was though that we watched the last episode which was so intense and now season 5 isn't even on Netflix and this is stressing me out so bad. I would definitely recommend watching this show as it is a good comedy cop show and there's a lot of diversity but also touches on so many issues in society. 

One other show is Black Mirror which I know has been so popular for a few years now but the new season is immense. My favourite ones out of this season would be the first one (USS Callister) and the last one (Black Museum). I absolutely love the concept of these two and how they work out in the end. It makes you think more about things which is the sort of thing you want when you watch programmes. It is the sort of show that blows your mind with the ideas the producers come up with. The only one I wouldn't really recommend in this season is Metalhead as this was just really disappointing. 

Finally the last one I have been loving recently is Stranger Things. Love it. Every time I have watched the show it never lets me down. Both seasons are really good and interesting to watch, however, I think I prefer certain bits out of each season and can't really pick a favourite as they are both as good as each other. The actors are amazing and the way their characters develop is perfect, honestly I cannot recommend this enough. 

So there you have it, these are the shows I have been watching recently. I hope you have enjoyed this post and feel free to leave any suggestions on programmes you love to watch on Netflix below. 

Peace out! 


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