Games I'm digging lately.

It's been a while, I'm sure I always say this (or at least think this) every time I post a new post. Although I'll be honest I haven't really had much time spare these days since starting my new job. With all the travelling to and from work I'm out the house for just under 12 hours each day, then come the weekend I just want to fall asleep all day. I have been keeping myself busy (awake) by alternating between different games that I am into at the moment. I thought I'd share some of these games with you in this post, enjoy!

Destiny 2- crimson days. I haven’t really been playing destiny recently due to the fact I find the second one not so enticing. I absolutely adored first time playing destiny one but then a few months before destiny 2 was due to be released it got a bit repetitive and there was barely anything new to do. So anyway, I was really excited for destiny two, the cinematic trailer made it look really good. Besides the fact the main story is based around Cabal (which are boring and annoying). But the story looked that good we were even going to name our next cat Gary (ghoul). Then we got the game and I think I played an hour of it to begin with and just thought OMG I’m gonna have to do this further blah blah blah. So I played a little while longer (end of September/beginning of October) then I just didn’t pick up the disc for ages once I’d completed the main story. Around December time the first expansion came out (Osiris) and we installed that and played the whole story in one sitting (2 hours maybe?). That expansion felt like you were doing the same mission on repeat, it was a similar layout/ pathway and it felt very monotonous.

First opening of the Special Edition

Oryx eagerly waiting to see what the new Destiny holds....

You may be thinking right now, okay you said you were digging this game lately? Well the answer to that is I’ve just picked up the disc again the other night to play this side theme called ‘crimson days’ – if you hadn’t guessed this yet it is for Valentine’s Day, yes. So I thought eh why not, so me and my husband played a little of that. Only downside to this is it’s basically crucible (which is great when you first go on the game. But then when you’ve played it so much it’s like can this get anymore annoying?). But if you play through this part you MAY end up with some good engrams (I had three exotic engrams and a few legendary). So if you have some spare time and have Destiny 2 you should try out this part of the game. If you don’t have the game, I would only recommend getting it if you have money to chuck away. As you probably can tell this doesn’t really come under games I’m digging, more so games I’ve half heartedly played to pass some time. (Yes I have a passion for this game, but not in a loving way at all).

Wearing the Crimson shades I got...

PUBG – Player Unknown Battlegrounds. When I first saw my husband play this game I thought what on earth is this it looks like the most boring game known to man. I couldn’t have been more wrong! To be fair when I first saw it all I could see was you jump from a plane and land somewhere and hide pretty much, maybe find guns and other items if you’re lucky and don’t get shot right away. Then I watched my husband play it a little more and got more into the game and invested in how long it will take before he dies (harsh I know but it’s just a game!). As you get further into the game the map gets smaller (play zone) and you have to make sure you’re in the circle. If you’re out of the circle, you die, slowly and embarrassingly. Of course with the map getting smaller there are less areas for you to hide in and that’s when you gotta try and stay alive with several other players shooting at you. The best thing I’ve found to help through this part is if you’re in a car and you can just drive around (try and run over the other players). It is a good strategy game to play because you learn where to land and where the best places to hide are. You can also team up and play as duo or squad to play with either your friends or even random people. I teamed up with my husband for a few games, which ended up in several falling outs of stupid things. Also we discovered that if you get hit by a frying pan from your teammate it does damage your health severely. Before you ask, it was my husband that hit me with a frying pan, not the other way around. Although to be fair I was probably provoking him at this point (one of my favourite hobby’s).

View from my favourite place on the mountains

COD WWII – Prop hunt. 

So I recently found a game I love so much I cry when it’s no longer there. That is prop hunt on the call of duty WWII. The essential premise of this game is you are disguised as a prop and have to hide until the game is over. You have the option to change what item you are twice, you can move, place fake props to try and trick the other team and also throw flash grenades at the enemy if they are getting a little too close for comfort. Now of course you get allocated something that looks like it should be in the background of a game, most of the time you will be a crate or a barrel. However, one time I ended up being a rocking horse which was terrible to try and hide. There’s 5 minutes in each game and you have to try as hard as you can not to get shot at during this time. Then if you are on the opposite team (the hunting) you have this time to try and find something that looks out of place (or mostly in place) and shoot the hell out of it. The first time you run around on the map you may not know it well but take in a few things from the area. For example, in one of the games I shot a wheelbarrow and it wasn’t the enemy team it was part of the background. Then when I went prop hunting again I remembered that was there before. The same goes for if you don’t see something in the first game of hunting and then in the second one there is something there and voila it turns out to be the enemy hiding. Honestly, seeing this game for the first time was one of the best days of my life (to an extent). The whole concept is both hilarious and genius. This game I do love and I would highly recommend getting the game just to play prop hunt!

Hiding as a wheel

Fortnite – Battle Royale. This game has the same premise as PUBG if you are on the Battle Royale side of the game. However, I find this one more enjoyable to play (don't shoot me). Mainly because the you have the ability to collect resources and use this to build a variety of different things. I haven’t quite been able to master the art of building in this game as others have. I mean I saw a video of someone building a tank on Fortnite the other day and that was just amazing. The closest thing I can get to is a really tall stairway which then breaks because it’s so tall with no support (and then I die from falling).

Just before I died
I find this game less intense than PUBG as well and it’s more relaxing to play after you’ve had a long day at work. As you can see it is less realistic compared to PUBG which of course adds to the chilled out vibe from playing the game. I would say there is one thing that can improve Fortnite and that would be for Epic Games to enable some sort of vehicles. Now that would just be the cherry on top. The Battle Royale side of this game is also free so if you’re bored and think hey what other games shall I play, download this game!

Storm closing in
Cowardly hiding

So there you have it, a list of the games I'm playing (not necessarily into them all)  and of course, not in order of favourites. What games do you like at the moment? I'm open to suggestions of different games to play.

Peace out!


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