Open House: An honest review

Over the time where I have had Netflix I have come across several films that looked like it would be something enjoyable to watch. Sometimes that was the case and the films were amazing. However, there have been several times where I’ve finished watching a film and thought ‘you can’t be serious?’ ‘Was that it?’ ‘What on earth just happened?’ And finally ‘I’ve just wasted 2 hours of my life for that which I will never get back.’

I love finding new things but sometimes it can leave me feeling worse than before! So I thought I would share this film with you that you really wouldn’t want to waste your time on. Please note there will be spoilers in this so if you do decide to watch this film (which you really shouldn't), don’t read any further. 

Open house:  

Throughout this whole film you think 'oh yeah this film is getting good' and this thought goes through your head right from the start. The beginning involves your typical tragedy where the father goes to buy some milk and ends up getting run over by some idiot in a van. This leads to the mother (Naomi) and son (Logan) moving away in desperation to get away from the tragedy. They decide to temporarily live at a Naomi's sisters house that is for sale and, hence the title, it is an open house. The thought of living in a house while it is on the market for an open house every weekend is creepy enough, I mean, people go into your house and have the freedom to walk around the house while you are not in the property. They have estate agents there but they don't follow everyone around as they are looking throughout the property so they could find personal things or not leave the house when it is the end of the viewing. 

This house is pretty much in the middle of a secluded forest with one creepy neighbour who you get certain impressions of throughout a fair bit of the film. But not long towards the end it is made apparent that the neighbour was suffering with dementia so she was forgetful about what she had said to Naomi and Logan throughout the course of their stay. 

There are your typical creepy aspects of the film where there are noises in the house, phones ringing, and one annoying person who kept turning the gas off whenever Naomi was showering. This last one was just annoying and overdone as the woman kept having to get out the shower and relight the fire to the gas. One time Naomi had to relight the fire she found the Logan's phone down in the basement (he'd said he lost it earlier that day) and this caused her to accuse Logan of turning off the gas as a way of acting out over his fathers tragic death. 

It gets to a creepy point where there are certain things missing or appearing, along with dramatic noises that the two of them get the police around, who just dismiss the whole thing as kids messing. So they get the help of a local shop worker, Chris, who stays around the house as a sense of ease. 

However, it's the middle of the night and for some reason there is someone in the bed with Naomi. Who can this be? You then see photos of her asleep on the side table and start to think I wonder if this is the dad and maybe he didn't actually die? Or maybe it is an old boyfriend/friend of the deceased father who has always had feelings for this woman. Do you see what I mean now with bits of the film making you think 'oh yeah this film is getting good'? 

Soon after Naomi realises this strange man is in the bed and he starts to attack her, Logan wakes up from the horrifying noises of his mother in pain and tries to call for help. Funnily enough, the phone lines are dead and the sim cards have been taken out of the phone (shocking and logical right? you know if you do not have a sim card in your phone there is still the option for emergency calling!). 

The son is unable to get Naomi out of the house and tries to go and see if the shop worker is able to help. But guess what? The guy is found dead in his car outside the house. So instinctively Logan legs it out into the forest to run as fast as he can to try and get help. Only problem is he loses his glasses so is struggling to see where he is running to. It gets to a point where he hides from someone who you think is the creepy guy, but it turns out to just be the neighbour who could have helped him get away. It gets to around the morning, and by this time you assume the mother is probably dead, but Logan has managed to get to a river and clean himself up and have a drink. Only for Logan to look up and wham the crazy stranger ends up murdering him. 

Next thing you know, is you don't really know anything about who it was or why they were there. The last thing to be shown is a sign for another open house. Which makes you think are you joking? This cannot be the end of the film, nothing has been resolved at all at this point. But you end up having to come to the conclusion that the person who murdered Logan, Naomi and Chris is just someone who was there because they get a kick out of open houses. 

Yes, I am fully aware that the film is called open house, but throughout the film you were made to believe it was something so much more compared to just some creep looking around the house. 

After looking at the reviews for this film (which is what I should have done to begin with) I have seen that many other people where as shocked in how terrible the film ending was just as much as we were. 

If you do not want to waste 90 minutes+ of your life, do not waste your time watching this film and expecting something amazing and the time wasted afterwards questioning all the loose ends.

Anyone else seen Open House and like the film or is it one of those films which no one really feels satisfied after? Leave your opinions in the comment section below!

Peace out!


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