Newton Faulkner

In 2010 I was introduced to a new song by someone I had never heard of before and I fell in love with the music. That song was Dream Catch Me by Newton Faulkner. I started listening to more songs by this artist and I just felt at home with some of the songs I heard, they were super catchy. I used to listen to them on my MP3 player whilst walking around the canals and through the countryside on many summer evenings. Now, 7 years later I have seen this guy perform in person and it was incredible. There's nothing more satisfying and heart warming that going to see someone who has been in some of your fondest memories. It was like reliving my youth again, when I say my youth I just mean my teenage years. The tickets were a birthday present for my 22nd birthday this year from my wonderful fiance, Kee, who I have mentioned on here several times before. It was one of the best birthday presents I have ever had because memories will last a lot longer than a bottle of wine. ...