Newton Faulkner

In 2010 I was introduced to a new song by someone I had never heard of before and I fell in love with the music. That song was Dream Catch Me by Newton Faulkner. I started listening to more songs by this artist and I just felt at home with some of the songs I heard, they were super catchy. I used to listen to them on my MP3 player whilst walking around the canals and through the countryside on many summer evenings.

Now, 7 years later I have seen this guy perform in person and it was incredible. There's nothing more satisfying and heart warming that going to see someone who has been in some of your fondest memories. It was like reliving my youth again, when I say my youth I just mean my teenage years.

The tickets were a birthday present for my 22nd birthday this year from my wonderful fiance, Kee, who I have mentioned on here several times before. It was one of the best birthday presents I have ever had because memories will last a lot longer than a bottle of wine.

Anyway, we had a busy few weeks before hand it kept forgetting that we were going to Birmingham that weekend. Don't get me wrong, I was looking forward to it for quite some time. But you know when you are just super busy and you just sometimes forget some things? Yeah, me too.

The train journey down to Birmingham was long winded full of rude, old, obnoxious people so that was a super start to the evening. We headed down to the O2 Institute and not the Academy (last time we went to a concert in Birmingham we thought it was at the Academy so walked all the way there to realise it was on the other side of the town). We got in quite fast and found the bar. The atmosphere was a lot different to the last gig we went to (Bury Tomorrow - you can imagine), it smelt a lot less.

It took over an hour for the support act to come on and he was slightly disappointing live, but he put on a good show. I was slightly apprehensive about Newton Faulkner's performance in case the sound system wasn't that great, also it was taking ages (another hour) for him to come on stage. At this point we had found out they were selling 2 pints in one glass at the bar so we grabbed ourselves a couple of these which was a great idea.

The best part of the night was about to happen and Newton Faulkner turned up on the stage and smiles and cheers were all around the room (it is quite a small venue here). He had an amazing voice and is extremely talented with music making every song sound even better than when it was played through my MP3 (not surprising). You could also see the look of excitement in his eyes of how involved and happy everyone else was watching him. 

Although, there was one annoying thing about this night, drunk girls. There's always that one that just doesn't know when to shut up and sadly they got closer to us and louder which made it difficult to hear the artist speak in-between his songs. But like I say, sadly there's always one.

Unfortunately, we couldn't see the whole show due to having to catch a train at 10 o'clock so we had to leave early. Part of me is thinking what if I missed one of my favourite songs (So Much), but then  at the same time I did get to see most of the songs I enjoy so much performed live and it was an incredible experience.

Overall this was such a good experience and I am so grateful to have had this opportunity. Besides many drunk people it was amazing to see Newton Faulkner live. Special thanks to my wonderful fiance Kee. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Who was your favourite artist/band live? Or who would you really want to go and see.

Peace out!


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